Olympia Washington May Day 2008 (photography and video)

Please see: May Day Editorial Comment [OlyBlog.net]

I have some photos and videos from the day too. Mine are quite different from the adversarial and controversial scenes and sounds that you will find in The Olympian and on their website.

So here they are, first the flickr slide show (in case the embedded slideshow doesn't work for you, here's a direct link to the photoset: www.flickr.com/photos/rwhitlock/sets/72157604848281827/

I also took some videos, here are a few that I selected to post (In case the viewer embed doesn't work, here's a link):

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Aldo Leopold: "We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."

keywords: peace, justice, truth, love, wisdom, common sense, ethics, nonviolence, compassion, communication, community, egalitarian, equitable, society, culture, future, politics, government, public interest, sustainability, economy, ecology, nature, beauty, urban issues, environment, wilderness, energy, industry, reciprocity, karma, dignity, honor, patience, life, photography, music, flowers, and more!