The Free Wall is behind the Capitol Theatre in downtown Olympia, WA. The Capitol Theatre is operated by the OFS (Olympia Film Society). OFS has made this wall, which is the rear of the theatre building (and in an alleyway) available to local graffitos to use at their own discretion. It's a pretty cool. It's pretty active, and it certainly was this past Friday night, there were about 5 different painters when I walked by.

If I ever decide to bust out some spraying on the oly capitol theatre free wall, then you better believe that I am going to write "NO BLOOD FOR OIL!"

Finally, here's a more tranquil perspective to start out your week. The Olympic mountains are in the distance, they rise up from behind the shoreline of Budd Inlet.
Mountains and sea: What a magnificent combo! We are enjoying the return of longer days--what zest that sun adds to our lives.